Ministry description :
A school community center for educating Haiti’s children. A community center called “OHM” To be established at Mirebalais center of Haiti. OHM , will provide free education for under privileged children from two years old to twelve years of age . at each child in the sponsorship program will receive a full square meal including breakfast daily . it is expected that through the A.C.E Curriculum and daily nutrition , it will have a direct and positive effect on the foundational well being of the young children in Haiti and the community . Those that have excelled in their academic progress may receive free education through the state-run educational system. For those who have not met the requirement for free education from the state; we will provide vocational training in preparing them with means of earning of living. This will create a generation of Haitian that are self-sufficient economically, morally and spiritually.
A serious problem exist in Haiti : in such an impoverish country , parents have to pay for their children to go to school. With the average Haitian earning less than $ 2.00 USD per day, a choice must be made as to which child will get the opportunity to receive an education. The cost of going to school range from $20.00 USD / month to as much as $150.00 USD/month . the Haitian parents are willing to educate their children for they believe that it is the way of out poverty. The children that do go to school are often hungry with nothing to eat during the course of the day.
Many organizations have and are currently feeding and educating Haiti’s children as we speak . unfortunately, many are foreign based and they have delegated the responsibility and oversight to others who do not truly share the burden for Haiti’s poor children . This is where OHM makes a difference. The founders will be on the ground in Haiti to oversee the daily feeding and educating of each child sponsored in the program and have every dollar donated accounted for.
Our organization is especially suited to help the poor children of Haiti. The founders of OHM are accustomed to the economical and social aspects of the country and are well versed in Creole , French, English and Spanish , most importantly , we are followers of the Lord Jesus Christ and we are committed to do his will in helping the poor and needy .
Our Goal :
Our goal at OHM is to support every child in need in Haiti with a
- A full square meal
- Free academic education
- Spiritual education
With our sponsorship program, one individual can sponsor one child to provide him or her with free education and a full square meal daily
- Goal #1
Using the A.C.E curriculum , which is renowned worldwide in over 140 countries , every sponsored child will receive quality first rate education. This curriculum has been in effect in Haiti for the past eighteen to twenty years and has proven to be quite successful for those who graduated through the program .
- Since the A.C.E is biblically based, each child would come to know about the one and only true God.
Goal #2
To provide each child with a full square meal
Objective #1
Through the help of your organization , OHM would provide each child with proper nutrition .
Objective #2
This coordination would benefit Haiti’s children greatly and would help the furtherance and progress of our work in providing the poor and needy with life’s basic necessities to bettering themselves .
There are two different clientele groups for our organization in Haiti .
The first are the parents who are eager to enroll their children in hope of receiving free education and food for them.
The second are the children themselves, who will benefit from the program educationally, spiritually and nutritionally .
Both clienteles are important in that the children represent the future of Haiti . the parents provide permission for their involvement in the sponsorship program.
Methods :
The primary method for achieving the goals and objectives of the organization will be.
- The creation of a school facility that is able to accommodate as many as five hundred children
- A large cafeteria and eating facility where the children can receive breakfast and lunch
In addition, a documentation/ dissemation plan will be developed to guarantee that the children are progressing educationally and are receiving the said daily nutrition.
Staff and administration :
The organization will employ members of the community that have been fully trained through the A.C.E curriculum.
Key employees will be:
- Program director :
Will be responsible for hiring staff oversee program development and operation, establishing and maintaining links with local government agencies and budget. The program director will be Pastor Jean David DESROSES (author of this proposal)
- Center coordinator :
Responsible for the establishment of the center, developing working relationship with formal and informal community leaders, establishing links to various organizations and schedule of center program
- Center assistant :
Responsible for maintaining structure and appearance of the center .
Three full time staff at 100% salary and five part time staff at 50% salary .
Facilities :
½ acres of land in possession of OHM located in Mirebalais Haiti . the organization is looking to expand as the need is required.
Evaluation plan :
The project evaluation plan will be the responsibility of the project evaluator and will consist of two different evaluative strategies-formative and summative.
The formative evaluation will be done through interviews and open-ended questionnaires. Children will be asked about the day to day operation of the school. The project evaluator will meet with staff to share findings of the formative evaluation. Periodic report will be prepared to identify major findings and how to correct and improve program operation.
The summative evaluation will begin with a baseline data at the beginning of the program. The children academic knowledge will be assessed medically and that will be conducted at a six months interval.
Data of the summative evaluation will focus on two primary goals.
Goal #1
Pre and post test of the knowledge of the children.
Goal #2
Record number of children involved in the program documentation of agenda / attendance roster.
A yearly report will be issued that present formative and summative findings.
A grant of $ 15,000.00 USD will enable OHM to develop and produce the curriculum and launch this school based community center . we anticipate that it will make a significant contribution in educating and feeding well over 500 children in the community of Mirebalais, Haiti.
This program is assured to help revert the rampant illiteracy and malnutrition that has plagued this country for so many years. We appreciate your consideration for this request and look forward to your response.
Sincerely yours .
Rev. Pastor Jean David Desroses , founder director