REQUEST OF SPONSOR – Haiti is actually in a big difficulties a lot of parents , old, youth , orphans and handicaps person moved from port au prince because of the violence their houses has burned , Their kids are in the street , the youth are living with no hope , the handicap people does not have any social program to take care of them and the Haitian government does not existed due to the lack of power. a lot of children are in the street via the capital of port au prince because the majority of the schools are close and become can’t for the refugee. life become hard little by little and some families has moved from the capital to different province our free education program has recruited about 500 vulnerable children who are living in poverty they do not have access with food , lodgment, medication , school supplies, toilets etc.. it is why Pastor Jean David DESROSES has establish a free sponsorship plan program to help and support the orphans .
Your Collaboration will be a blessings feel free to contact us . THANK YOU.
Contact Info
Address: 13, Rue Gabart Mirebalais , Centre, Haiti, HT5210 , W.I
Phone: +509 31086466 / 4012-3050
Mobile: +1 305-438-6797
Je suis le pasteur RICHMOND Expedit,
Serviteur de l’Eternel DIEU tout puissant
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