SPONSORSHIP– Greeting to you all Brothers and Sisters this is with tears in eyes I am writing this note to you concerning the vulnerability, life condition and the situation of the children facing for this academic school year 2024 – 2025 where we have registered 200 more student moved from the Capital of Port au Prince due to the Violence and Kidnapping happened by the Gang Army . Now the situations become very difficult and worse for us. as the promoter of this free Education program established by Pastor Jean David DESROSES. As many one of you has certified that Education is a best gift a parents can offer with a child
As many one of you are proud of your parent who has done a lot of effort to afford your school year payment.
As many one of you has always declared your school year academic has been success in poverty where your parents did not have enough capacity to rent a room and provide food , books and other accommodations
As many one of you testimony your mother was a charcoal Marchand and your Father was handicaped by the Grace of the Lord, his compassion , blessings and his mercy now your life has changed you become Doctor , Ingenier, Nurse, Senator , Deputy General Manager etc…
Brothers and Sisters I am asking to you this favor , your collaboration and your sponsor to allow more children to go to school and to Success with their life .
My name is Pastor Jean David DESROSES as the Founder Director of this free Education program we have Committed a sponsorship plan program with an amount of 300 USD for the school year who will afford the child school year payment, provide Uniform, Food , water, school supplies, Teachers and cookers payment.
Brothers and Sisters the Lord says walk by faith not by sight and the more you give the more you receive
I thank you so much in advance may the Lord bless you and your family with all in hope you will take care of my request in an humanitarian basic
Yours ,
Rev. Pastor Jean David Desroses
13,rue gabart Mirebalais Center Haiti
Cell+13054386797 WhatsApp, call and SMS